Fethi Ghazouani, received his diploma (Master's degree in Computer Science) from the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis (FST), Tunisia in 2005 and he has received his Master degree in Computer Sciences (Data, Knowledge and Distributed Systems) from the University of Jendouba (FSJEG), Tunisia, in 2013. He has part of university study of the skills in programming, in data mining, in image processing, in artificial learning, oriented databases, etc. In his master study, he has working on Document segmentation and analysis methods and Arabic script recognition. He has developed a system for segmentation of Arabic documents that allows segmenting the document into text lines, words and characters. This work is done in cooperation with the IfN institute in Braunschweig University, Germany in 2011. Currently, he is working toward the Ph.D. degree with the Ecole Nationale des Sciences de l'Informatique (ENSI), University of Manouba, Tunisia. He is also a Permanent Researcher at RIADI Laboratory, University of Manouba, since 2014. His work is mainly related with machine learning and knowledge modeling applied to the remote sensing images.