Dr. Hasan Al-Nashash is a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at American University of Sharjah. Since 1984, his research and industrial work has been in the areas of biomedical instrumentations and imaging, digital signal and image processing and applications for biomedicine and industry, biomedical intelligent systems and optimization of silicon manufacturing processes. Dr. Al-Nashash worked closely with several biomedical engineering departments and hospitals at John Hopkins University (USA), the American Hospital in Dubai (UAE) and Jordan University Hospital (Jordan). The main theme of Dr. Al-Nashash's research work is in the area of neuroengineering with applications to global brain injury and brain computer interface. This work represents a very successful collaborative effort with Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in USA. Currently, he is a member of a team working on the compilation of route maps of oil and gas pipelines in UAE. Furthermore, he designed and developed several electronic instruments to measure various biodynamic parameters such as the explosive anaerobic leg power and a pedobargraph for the detection of choreography feet position. He was also involved in organizing and conducting training workshops in electronics and instrumentations for engineers working for police, biomedical, and oil and gas industries. Dr. Al-Nashash was also involved in establishing several electrical and electronic engineering departments in Jordan, Oman and UAE, where he established curricula and teaching and research laboratories.